Group Work

Groupwork Solutions provides workshops, groups and group work training courses. See the front page for future courses or Contact us

Program Development

Groupwork Solutions provides project management for the development of creative and valuable group work programs for a wide range of situations and target groups. These programs are mapped to meet the Institute of Group Leaders Program Endorsement Standards.

Many training or group work programs are full of wonderful and valuable ideas. However, they are primary written using a didactic process where it is the group leader’s responsibility to pass this information onto the passive group members. Social psychology indicates that many people have a relatively short attention span and start to think about other topics after seven minutes unless group leader’s actively re-engage their interest.

Groupwork Solutions can ensure your program integrates with all the participant’s learning styles (reflecting, thinking, feeling, acting) and also complies with the Institute of Group Leaders Group Work Program Endorsement Criteria (see

Training in Creative Group Work

Groupwork Solutions provides 1-3 day Creative Group Work Training Workshops that focus on using experiential learning, group dynamics, group work facilitation, working with challenging participants and examples of group work exercises.

Participants will:

  • explore models for working with group dynamics

  • identify ways that work teams or groups fail to warm up to achieving their purpose

  • practice skills used to deal with issues in the here-and-now

  • use sociometry and social choices to understand group connections.

  • This workshop will also explore the following issues:

  • Experiential learning and adult education

  • Strengths based group work

  • Group work exercises

  • Working with challenging issues group members’ experience.

Groupwork Solutions also provides team building and strengths based strategic planning workshops.

Other useful websites are:


Choosing exercises for psychoeducational groups (310 KB)

Developing Practice Review - Groupwork Book (1569 KB)

Group supervision docs (1450 KB)

Group Work in Medical Clinics 2013 (521 KB)

Planning group work programs for parents who have a child with special needs (59 KB)

Strengths based supervision (1450 KB)

The toughest types of groups article by Ed Jacobs
(9377 KB)

Therapeutic-educational group work programs (406 KB)

Tools for participatory evaluation with young people (1288 KB)

Transformative group work - Using the Campfire Process (191 KB)

Ways to manage conflict situations - ANEC (85 KB)