Difficult Conversations-How to Talk to Children and Young People About Almost Anything eWorkshop 10-July-2024

from A$195.00

This eWorkshop is for anyone who may need to have potentially difficult conversations with children and young people. This could include: youth workers; carers and workers in child protection, justice and foster care; out of home care staff; case managers or team leaders working with children, young people and families.

For more information, read below.

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This eWorkshop is for anyone who may need to have potentially difficult conversations with children and young people. This could include: youth workers; carers and workers in child protection, justice and foster care; out of home care staff; case managers or team leaders working with children, young people and families.

For more information, read below.

This eWorkshop is for anyone who may need to have potentially difficult conversations with children and young people. This could include: youth workers; carers and workers in child protection, justice and foster care; out of home care staff; case managers or team leaders working with children, young people and families.

For more information, read below.

If you require your organisation to pay for this workshop, please click the Register Only button below and complete the registration form. You will be sent an invoice by our admin team.

This training is for anyone who may need to have potentially difficult conversations with children and young people. This could include: youth workers; carers and workers in child protection, justice and foster care; out of home care staff; case managers or team leaders working with children, young people and families.

The difficult conversations discussed include: answering the child or young person’s questions as to why they are not living with their family; helping the child or young person managing their own difficult feelings; delivering difficult news; discussing the child or young person’s behaviour; among many other possible topics.

The training covers: assessing the child or young person’s development level and developmental needs before a potentially difficult conversation; a simple structure that applies to many difficult conversations with children and young people; the importance of having a positive purpose or purposes in mind before and during a difficult conversation; how to use language in a way that is respectful and honest and; the how, when and where of delivering difficult news to children and young people. Each participant will leave with a suggested structure and guidelines for a difficult conversation they may be planning in the future.

The training will be highly interactive and the participants will be encouraged to ask questions at any time.

Detailed notes will be provided.

When: Wednesday 10th July 2024 from 9.30am to 12.30pm . (AEST)

Where: Online eWorkshop via Zoom. You will receive the Zoom details when payment is received.

Cost: The early bird booking is $195.00 (GST incl) if registered before 26th June 2024. If registering after 26th June 2024 then the Full Price is $250.00 (GST incl). Payment is required prior to attending the eWorkshop.

To register: Register and complete payment. A Tax Invoice will be emailed to you. The payment needs to be completed before the workshop occurs, for the registration to be fully confirmed.

Facilitator: David Cherry

The training will be run by David Cherry a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist who has been working for over 40 years. David worked for over 14 years with children, young people, and their families where the children could not live at home because of concerns over abuse and neglect. During that time David was responsible for working with the parents to assist them in developing their capacity to care for their children. In addition, David was responsible, with others, for supporting the staff caring for the children to provide the best environment possible while the children were in out of home care.