Engaging men’s responses to family violence


Effective early intervention is critical in stopping low and moderate-risk cases of family violence escalating into high-risk situations. This book focuses on how community, health and welfare counsellors and other workers, and practicing psychologists, can better engage with men to increase their motivation to access further support to address family violence issues.

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Effective early intervention is critical in stopping low and moderate-risk cases of family violence escalating into high-risk situations. This book focuses on how community, health and welfare counsellors and other workers, and practicing psychologists, can better engage with men to increase their motivation to access further support to address family violence issues.

Effective early intervention is critical in stopping low and moderate-risk cases of family violence escalating into high-risk situations. This book focuses on how community, health and welfare counsellors and other workers, and practicing psychologists, can better engage with men to increase their motivation to access further support to address family violence issues.

The first section explores a practice framework that unites the use of feminist, strengths-based and psychological tools. The second section provides ten tools that have proved effective in involving men in deep, structured discussions that can overcome their resistance to confronting attitudes and behaviours that stand in the way of them achieving positive, sustainable change. At all times, safety is a core focus: the safety of the person experiencing the violence, children who may also be exposed to violence, the intervening worker or practitioner (you), and the person who uses the violence. In short, this book aims to promote safer relationships through insight.

Andrew King (BA Wel Stu; MAEd) is the Practice Specialist, Groupwork, and Community Education Manager at Relationships Australia, NSW. He is a specialist trainer who has worked with professionals in Australia, Asia and Canada and published a range of professional articles. He has also coordinated a large fathers' centre, worked in parenting education and dealt directly with many cases spanning family violence issues, young people with drug, alcohol and mental health problems, and families with special-needs children.

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"This book provides a wonderful contribution to work in preventing family violence. Andrew has provided a concise guide for engagement with men which will motivate and promote attitude and behaviour change. His work highlights concepts and methods for building effective working relationships with men that mirror the changes they might want to bring about in their families. The methods have an ethical focus which complement and bridge the values of connection and belonging with fairness and accountability. The book provides a strong generative focus which brings forward the importance of the legacy that men might want to leave for their children and those who come after them".

Alan Jenkins (Author of Becoming Ethical: A Parallel, Political Journey with Men Who Have Abused)

"I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. Hundreds of men attend these programs across Australia on any given evening, and yet this work is largely unknown. This book provides a window through which the reader can see this work, it’s potential, and how best to talk about and change this complex social issue more broadly".

Dr. Rebecca Gray - Head of Research and Evaluation, Relationships Australia, NSW

"If you work in the field of family work and domestic violence, this is a must read. It covers all aspects of the topic and gives many helpful techniques and tips. He informs and challenges the reader and includes many helpful multi-sensory tools and intervention step".

Ed Jacobs, PhD Associate Professor at West Virginia University and founder of Impact Therapy

"This is an excellent, holistic approach with an exceptional balance of theory, examples, and practical ideas. The contents have wide application for managing emotions powerfully".

Roz Townsend, Author, Facilitator and Mediator

"The author of this book set out to provide a practice guide for mental health practitioners who work with abusive men, incorporating ideas from feminist and psychological perspectives. The result is an integrative approach that draws on key theorists from a wide range of views; clearly and concisely presenting a very practical guide. The author emphasizes the importance of the therapeutic relationship, modelling the respectful relationship that is the goal of the relationships these men are encouraged to build with their partners and children. It relies upon the generative approach identified as one of the stages of development proposed by Erik Erikson. The positive approach highlights the positive intentions of many men that get subverted for a variety of reasons as they attempt to protect those they love. The author develops a continuum, representing increases in power and control beginning with non-violence and gradually moving to violence, identifying a range of strategies along this continuum from withdrawal to murder. This approach demonstrates the good intentions of protecting loved ones and the gradual abusive strategies that these men may employ as they become frustrated with the failure of their efforts. Professionals are encouraged to respectfully hold men accountable while engaging with their psychological needs. There are a good number of exercises that can usefully be incorporated into work with men that are focused on encouraging men to reflect on their behaviour and emotions as they struggle to eliminate the violence from their relationships. The importance of insight linked to having abusive men focus on their own relationships with their families of origin as well as their own children is a particularly useful approach to fostering change. This book would be very helpful for new therapists as well as those who are experienced".

Jac Brown - Associate Professor in Psychology at Macquarie University in domestic violence research

2017 Published by Groupwork Solutions


Printed in Australia
ISBN 978-0-6480015-0-8 (Paperback)
120 Pages